Topical Studies

The following material goes deeper into the subject matter of issues that pertain to the church and christian living.  They are a collection of my personal study notes and articles that I have come across that have been extremely helpful.  They range from theological papers to very practical outlines. (just click on headings)

Topics recently referenced in Sermons

Tabernacle Bible Reading Plan 2023

The Attributes of GodA.W. Pink

The importance of the Bible ( 19 pages of articles and teaching outlines presented at conference)

Historical Confessions and Statements on the authority, inerrancy, and sufficiency of Scripture

Evangelism/Sharing your faith

 Evangelism Overview (teaching outline)

What happens to those who have never heard the gospel?

What is saving FAITH (A gospel presentation the can be printed off)

How to Share the Gospel with Children

Scripture/The Bible

Verses to help us grow and change

The importance of the Bible ( 19 pages of articles and teaching outlines presented at conference)

Historical Confessions and Statements on the authority, inerrancy, and sufficiency of Scripture

Yearly Bible Reading Plan

How to have a quiet time

Who are Southern Baptists (an overview of the SBC)

The Baptist Faith and Message

Election and Theological Unity

The doctrine of election is a deep and wonderful subject to consider, but it can also be a topic of great disagreement. Do not let the theological camps determine what you believe nor scare you away from studying the Word of God yourself.  Study the Word and allow God to encourage you and to teach you about all the great truths in regards to His sovereignty and man’s responsibility as you consider with humility the greatness of your salvation.   Years ago I decided that I will never know all the secret things of God.  I know that I came to Christ, but I also know that I did not save myself.  These two aspects are great truths that I have learned to embrace with joy and wonder.  It is not about Calvinism nor Arminianism, but rather it is about letting God be God and trusting in His Word.

Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility how both biblical truths coexist in God’s grace.

  • This is a portion from J. I. Packer’s book “Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God.”

Theological Triage

  • Dr. Albert Mohler shares a good word on how to determine which doctrines and theological issues are worth fighting for and defending within our society and church context.  (Too often within the church we major on the minor)

Spurgeons Theology – Embracing Biblical Paradox (God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Will)

The Nature of Election. Ephesians Commentary. Tony Merida

Women and Ministry

Can women exercise authority in the church? – By: John MacArthur

Women teaching men – How far is too far? By: Mary Kassian (Desiring God)


What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage – Southern Seminary, Dr. Tom Schreiner (Youtube video – 8 min)

Divorce and Remarriage – By: John MacArthur

Topical Theological Studies

Angels, Satan, & Demons-

Bible Doctrine-Holy Spirit…Sid Litke

A Biblical Understanding of Sin… articles

If God is good, why do so many bad things happen?

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